Thursday, February 19, 2009

Las Vegas Casinos

Las Vegas Casinos - Interesting Non-existent Las Vegas Casinos

Throughout the history of Las Vegas there has always been spectacular events, fabulous light and sound shows, interesting casino and hotels throughout the whole city that has attracted billions of people to the area since the early 1930s. Indeed, Las Vegas is a city for tourists and there are many things to do when visiting the city.

However, if you love to find out small little facts about places throughout America, here is your chance to hear some of the Las Vegas casinos that were originally planned, but for some reason or another the plans to build them were abandoned. Here is a close up look at some of the more interesting plans for abandoned hotels and casinos:

The Titanic Resort and Casino

Originally, there was a resort and casino that was planned for Las Vegas that was to be named the Titanic after the sinking ship in 1912. Unfortunately, the plans for this hotel did not even begin construction before the idea for it was abandoned. However, the whole hotel was going to be in the shape of the Titanic and there would have even been a large iceberg at the foot of the hotel that would have housed the casino along with a bunch of other shops.

The World Trade Center Hotel

The idea for this type of a hotel began its formation back in 1997, however, the plans were abandoned when the gaming and casino license was turned down. The reason for the turning down of the application: two of the people involved closely with the beginning and building of the hotel were convicted felons.

Naturally, Las Vegas did not want its reputation to be ruined by this however seemingly-innocent hotel, so it decided to bar the license. Perhaps more interesting, though, is the fact that the original founder for the World Trade Center Hotel committed suicide soon after his plans fell through.

Countryland USA Resort and Casino

You guessed it! The Countryland USA Resort was originally meant to be a country-music style resort that would be great for all those that didn't want to hear other kinds of music. Las Vegas does not have the pleasure of hosting this casino, though, because the plans were abandoned before they could get underway.

Addams Family Hotel

This was only a concept hotel in the first stages of its life, but the main purpose of it was to have a family hotel for those visiting the Las Vegas Strip. It would have been a popular ideas if plans hadn't fallen through, though.

There are plenty of other ideas for hotels and resorts that were also abandoned by the various founders for the ideas. Some of the plans for hotels and resorts just seem to have been dropped in mid-air, whereas others truly had legitimate reason not to begin construction. Some of the ideas for these Las Vegas hotels were really interesting ideas, but it seems as though patrons will have to do without for now!

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